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competences of the service


The Ephorate of Antiquities of Chalkidiki and Mount Athos is subject to the General Directorate of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage and operates within its limits of territorial jurisdiction, in accordance with the new Organization of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, published in the Government Gazette 7/A/22-1-2018. 

The Ephorate cooperates with the respective Directorates of the Central Service and other Services of the Ministry of Culture and Sports and carries out projects that are included in the Annual Operating Plans or Action Plans as approved by the Minister, with the consent of the competent Councils.

Competences of the Service

The Ephorate of Antiquities of Chalkidiki and Mount Athos handles matters pertaining to archaeological sites, monuments and historical sites, dating from the prehistoric period to 1830, as well as museums referring to the corresponding time period. The Ephorate is responsible for the protection and management of archaeological sites, monuments and historical sites, the planning and implementation of excavations and any form of archaeological research, the preparation of studies, the planning and implementation of projects; the protection, preservation, restoration, formation and enhancement of archaeological sites, monuments and historical sites, the protection of the surrounding natural landscape and the examination of project applications with a direct or indirect impact, in cooperation with the competent services. The study and archaeological evaluation of technical works on archaeological sites and monuments or their surroundings and conservation works on monuments, antiquities and works of art as well as the scientific study of all works mentioned above. The grant of expropriations and the payment of compensation due to deprivation of the use of immovable property for archaeological purposes; the cooperation with Local Authorities and other parties in order to draw up program contracts pertaining to the research, protection, restoration and enhancement of archaeological sites and monuments. The supervision of studies carried out by domestic scientific, research and educational organizations and foreign schools and institutes of archaeology, which are established in Greece. The supervision of Scientific Committees for the study and implementation of projects. The grant of provisional authorization of archaeological sites, monuments and Museums, pursuant to article 46, Law 3028/2002, in accordance with the version in force at the material, excluding those that fall within the competence of the Directorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities. The assessment and approval of requests for photographing and filming archaeological sites, monuments and Museums by public sector bodies, local authorities, private individuals and third parties in general. The assessment and approval of requests for the display of images of archaeological sites and monuments on the Internet or with the general use of Information and Communication Technologies by public sector bodies, local authorities, private individuals that do not fall within the competence of the Directorate for the Management of the National Archive of Monuments. 

The management of museums and collections that fall within the competence of the Ephorate, the preparation and implementation of museology studies and the display of antiquities. In addition, the grant of authorization to study antiquities within museums and collections, the grant of authorization to export objects not protected by law, the planning, organization and presentation of archaeological, temporary or permanent exhibitions, in cooperation with the competent Directorates of the Central Service .

The planning, organization and presentation of archaeological temporary exhibitions, activity programs and events in specially designated areas, in museums, archaeological sites and on school premises, as well as the grant of free access to archaeological sites and museums.

The maintenance of records regarding excavations and other archaeological investigations, the documentation and electronic recording of movable and immovable archaeological finds, the compilation of an archive consisting of photos, plans, maps, declarations and the creation -update of a record regarding artifact owners and antique shops.

The contribution to the fight against illicit antiquities trade, the maintenance and update of a record of illegal excavations, confiscations and thefts of cultural goods, as well as the preliminary work for the grant of authorization to use metal detectors. The archaeological documentation, study and publication of earlier excavations, the implementation of research programs, the organization and operation of the library of the Ephorate. The general promotion of the publishing activities concerning monuments, archaeological sites, movable finds and collections within the competence of the Ephorate. The enhancement of the archaeological reserve with multimedia applications via the internet.

The consideration and forwarding of requests for the study and publication of unpublished archaeological material and unpublished monuments, to the Department of Supervision of Greek and Foreign Scientific Institutions and Coordination of Issues of International Cooperation and Organizations of the Directorate of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Antiquities. The grant of authorization to study and publish already published material and monuments, as well as the consideration and forwarding of requests for the study and publication of restoration works on standing monuments to the competent services of the General Directorate of Restoration, Museums and Technical Works.

The grant of temporary use of Museum premises where antiquities are not exhibited, for the organization of artistic and other cultural events and the grant of relevant authorization.

Operational Objectives of the Ephorate

The operational objectives of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Chalkidiki and Mount Athos are the following:

a) Scientific research, discovery, preservation, conservation, protection, enhancement, promotion and safeguarding of antiquities, their display in Museums, as well as their participation in domestic and international exhibitions. In addition, the study, planning, management and execution of any archaeological project regarding  the maintenance, repair, restoration, conservation, enhancement and configuration of the monuments and archaeological sites, as well as their natural or surrounding environment, the execution of the aforementioned works under local authority control and with accountability in accordance with the provisions in force. The aforementioned projects, as well as the maintenance of buildings or other infrastructures of each Ephorate of Antiquities, may only be carried out in accordance with the procedures prescribed by law.

b) Undertaking scientific studies and publications of antiquities, management of monuments, archaeological sites, museums and collections under their territorial jurisdiction, which belong to the State; participating in international and European programs, including the organization and participation in conferences, conventions, seminars. In addition, planning, organizing and presenting educational programs, events promoting cultural heritage, communication actions, as well as the production of conventional and digital publications and educational material.

c) The annual preparation and continuous updating of the Operating Plan of the Ephorate, the drafting of proposals for the inclusion of new projects in co-financed programs or their implementation through national funds, monument and museum revenues included, the assessment of goal setting of each Service and the adjustment of objectives.

d) The internship of university students in the areas of competence of the Ephorate provided that no expenses shall be incurred by the Ministry of Culture and Sports. 

e) The Ephorate of Antiquities may enter into program agreements or memoranda of cooperation with public sector bodies, the regional administration, the local authorities, as well as the wider public sector pursuant to the provisions of the legislation in force, with regard to the implementation of the actions of the approved Operating Plan. To the same end, they may also manage sponsorships or donations, in accordance with the legislation in force.

Department of Administrative and Financial Support
+30 2310 285163 | +30 23710 22060
Department of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities and Museums
+30 2310 285163 | +30 23710 22060
Department of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Antiquities and Museums
+30 2310 285163
Department of Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art
+30 2310 285163
Department of Archaeological Works and Studies
+30 2310 285163
  • ελ